Get Involved

Project Livity thrives off of community involvement. Just like the compounds in hemp work better together; by working together, we make a more significant impact than any one of us, alone.

Who’s help do we need?

  1. Hemp farmers

    The entire hemp plant can be utilized. Hemp farmers often times have excessive amounts of byproduct. Whether it be seeds, leaves, stalks, roots or buds; if you are a hemp farmer that has more than you can work with, reach out and let’s give purpose to your plants!

  2. Hemp processors, product manufacturers or distributors

    Just like hemp farmers; hemp processors, product manufacturers and distributors have access to bulk resources including hemp clothing, hemp building materials, CBD, hemp seeds, hemp seed oil, hemp protein and more. If this is you, please consider paying it forward!

  3. Hemp enthusiasts

    We are always looking for volunteers that love hemp and helping others as much as we do! If you stand behind our mission and want to get involved, reach out and lets grow together!

  4. Hemp supporters

    Many people support the mission but have no idea how they can contribute. The most essential keys to maintaining a successful non-profit are fundraising, community presence, and volunteer involvement. Support can be donating money, following Project Livity on social medias, Liking and sharing our posts, subscribing to our newsletter, sharing our website with your friends, or volunteering your expertise, resources, labor or time. Anything you think might be helpful, most likely is, and we appreciate any and all support along the way.

    If you are interested in volunteering or collaborating, or if you have any questions about our projects or how to get involved, please fill out this form, below.